Install CyberPanel di Ubuntu 20.04

Dari Dokumentasi Robie
Revisi sejak 4 September 2023 14.05 oleh Robie (bicara | kontrib)
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Step 1: Update System Sebelum memulai proses instalasi, disarankan untuk mengupdate sytem untuk menginstall semua packages yang diperlukan, jalankan perintah berikut:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 2: Install Required Packages

Untuk menginstall packages Cyberpanel, silakan ketik perintah berikut:

sudo apt-get install wget curl python python3-pip python-dev -y

lalu ketikkan perintah berikut

sudo su -

Step 3: Download and Install Cyberpanel

bash <(curl || wget -O -

Tunggu Hingga Proses install selesai

grep: /usr/local/CyberCP/public/snappymail.php: No such file or directory


                CyberPanel Successfully Installed

                Current Disk usage : 8/9GB (89%)

                Current RAM  usage : 374/1983MB (18.86%)

                Installation time  : 0 hrs 27 min 0 sec


                Panel username: admin

                Panel password: *****

             Run cyberpanel help to get FAQ info

             Run cyberpanel upgrade to upgrade it to latest version.

             Run cyberpanel utility to access some handy tools .

              Website :

              Forums  :


              Docs    :

            Enjoy your accelerated Internet by

                CyberPanel & OpenLiteSpeed


If your provider has a network-level firewall

Please make sure you have opened following port for both in/out:

TCP: 8090 for CyberPanel

TCP: 80, TCP: 443 and UDP: 443 for webserver

TCP: 21 and TCP: 40110-40210 for FTP

TCP: 25, TCP: 587, TCP: 465, TCP: 110, TCP: 143 and TCP: 993 for mail service

TCP: 53 and UDP: 53 for DNS service

Your provider seems blocked port 25 , E-mail sending may not work properly.

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